5 min readJul 8, 2023

Reflections on Manhood, Truth, and the Fight for a Better Society

Men… What strange creatures we are. I long to see my beloved children, to converse with them and share my deepest emotions and pain, acknowledging theirs as well. My dear friend Ethan, I admire your interviewing skills and wish you could interview me now, but I understand you are going through your own struggles, battling your own demons. In truth, I wish I could allow myself to cry as well, but I feel so far gone, lost in an unhealthy state. However, I don’t want this to turn into a futile contest of pain and suffering. I want to protect both of our egos, our souls, and our hearts.

we are not crazy; society, devoid of God, is the one that has lost its sanity.

Lately, I’ve had thoughts of being crazy, or people thinking I’m dangerous to society, and that they could take me away. Not that I have any intention of harming anyone, not even those directly responsible for my pain and yours. Those who have contributed to the destruction of families, eroded traditional roles, and propagated chaos in society are the elites. They have unwitting accomplices who support their agenda. It is reminiscent of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writings on “Live not by Lies.” They are pushing for a godless, unnatural, and irrational society, brainwashing people to accept falsehoods as truths.

These elites have cunningly devised systems and social constructs that provide benefits and comforts while diverting attention from the care that God can offer. Instead, they offer a false god — the system that provides hospitals, schools, roads, governments, and more, all intertwined with control over our lives. They manipulate our desires, needs, and wants to ensure we don’t question how God can provide for us. If we resist their lies, they label us as crazy, lunatics. But it is they who are perpetuating the falsehoods. Solzhenitsyn preached that the only nonviolent solution is to reject these lies.

So, what can we do? We must reject these lies and embrace the truth. It may mean sacrificing the comforts and benefits we have grown accustomed to. We may be labeled crazy, and at times, we may even feel crazy ourselves. But we stand on the side of truth, not forgetting God. We cry, we endure meager lives, hoping and praying for relief, justice, and reward. Through these efforts, we can gradually change society, one person, one family at a time, until the entire world is saved from this evil, this lie.

We must not let them win. We cannot allow America and Western ideals to die, for it would mean the death of freedom, prosperity, and posterity, and the replacement of God with a monstrous false deity. We must return to God, honor God, restore patriarchy, families, and society, and ensure posterity’s continuation. This journey requires constant improvement, like athletic competition, where we strive to surpass previous records. Similarly, we must compete as a society, guided by godly principles.

Ethan, we are not crazy; society, devoid of God, is the one that has lost its sanity. We care deeply for our posterity, our countrymen, and humanity. Unfortunately, we seldom discuss these matters openly, often trying to be stoic, resilient, and thick-skinned. But this is not natural; we are stripped of our chance to fight in a righteous battlefield. We forget that even in a godly world, there are leaders and planners who must share concerns and strategize before battle. We must acknowledge this and remember that we are playing against cheaters, liars, and deceivers who control the resources and systems that sustain them.

To combat this, we need a combination of Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” and a constant connection with God. We must expose their lies, their deceitful system, and their attempts to replace truth with falsehood. We need to warn people and guide our children back to us, restoring love, honor, and respect. I mourn the loss of everything and long for change. Though I have lost battles, I am preparing for the bigger fight — becoming the best version of myself, both physically and mentally, and securing a stable foundation. It will not only aid me in future battles but also when my family is restored or a new one is formed.

For my children reading this, my desire to start a new family is not a rejection of you; it is an extension of the love and values I already cherish, ensuring the continuation of posterity. It is an act of paying it forward and fulfilling my duty and honor to God. The story of the prodigal son exemplifies this sentiment. When the son returned to his father, he was joyfully embraced. Ayah (Dad) wants the same for you, but it requires understanding the lies, rejecting them, and returning to your father. This is a lesson for all of us, as God yearns for our return to truth.

Speaking of lost friendships, I recall my strained relationship with Rob, an ex-Olympic skier and health coach. We clashed over differing beliefs, and my choice of words may have been inappropriate. At the time, I was battling the aftermath of a war with my narcissistic ex-wife, fighting for custody, and dealing with the consequences. It was all tied to this false god system, and Rob experienced a similar loss in his own divorce. If only he could see that belief in God, natural law, and natural roles are intertwined with respecting life and truth. The natural religion lies in living as a good man, honoring our God-given rights, and accepting our duty to truth.

Rob, if you read this, understand that you are not alone in the madness. Solzhenitsyn’s words can guide you through it. Ethan, you and I are in the same boat, and to the reader, we are united as brothers. As men, we possess the power to shape the world, and to do so, we must communicate better, create safe spaces for dialogue, planning, and strategy. Together, we can become better humans, fighting for a brighter future for our children, wives, and posterity.